Monday, September 28, 2009


"As a deer longs for a flowing stream..."
My soul longs for something which is expressed in the gaze of a deer;  a deep communication, a connection with the part of myself that is a deer?

Listening for the silence between the words.

Photo taken in Redstone, Colorado, out the window of my godparents' summer cabin...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Soul work on hometown territory

What is our soulwork all about?  I am finding my own answers in deepening relationships with family and friends.  Holding my 2 week-old great- (yes, great) niece in my arms, in sharing a two hour sister-dinner, in hiking our acres of our grandparents' old ranchland with my brother...
When we share our dreams with each other, our frustrations and fears...I am finding Soul in Relationship with the People in my World.  My mom and I picked fresh sage on the land to bundle into healing purification smudge sticks.  Singing as we work.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Travels -- Many Homes

On the road in New Mexico--horseback riding the High Road in Taos with my friend of many years, Martha...I am on Roanie, he was solid and steady despite sneaking mouthsfull of grass at every chance. Into the aspen forest.  Trees not yet turning, but the air cool especially over the stream (which we crossed 23 times).  Our guide and cowboy Blake, must have had some conversations with Cormac McCarthy.  Blake could be a writer, or at least, he is a great storyteller.  His love of horses made me feel closer to God.
Visits to family and friends, in the landscape where I gew many places feel like home, especially in the company of Love. Dear friends and family. Inspired to paint.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From Experienced Artists to New Beginners: Everyone Can Make a Great Nicho

Students in the nichos class learn the stages of painting the tin, gluing images and objects and adding final embellishments (the "bling").  This class works well for all levels of experience --I often tell students that if you can pick out an outfit to wear, you can put together a great nicho.  I will help you with the techniques you need to make a polished art piece.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nichos workshop

This student had fun wiring her tin nicho onto a larger board...sometimes the work expands, overflows and extends.  Lots of tools and options are available!